OUR team

We are a bunch of friends connected by love for game design, and art. As individuals, we all are self driven professionals who are good at focusing and pushing the envelope further.


As a person who is used to combine different aspects of a project, I enjoy creating a vision and putting my effort to make this vision a reality. Creating a good game demands lots of quality, and I never shy away from solving problems, or getting into details.

CAN Yamak

Using coding, drawing, writing, and creating structural behavior is a way to face the elements of my imagination.


As an artist and game designer, I find inspiration in the world around me. I am fascinated by nature, technology, and the intersection between the two. Through my art, I aim to create immersive worlds that transport players to new and exciting places.

TuGce Oguz

As a creative individual dealing with the fields of art and game design, I am inspired by the world that surrounds us. The colors of nature fascinate me, and user experiences guide me. It is driven by a desire to create all-encompassing worlds that have the power to transport players into extraordinary and fascinating realms.

ERic Pierce

Either creating tools for production, or using code to solve design and animation problems is a process that fulfills my creative side. To create a refined product, I depend on identifying challenges, brainstorming innovative solutions, implementing them through coding, and iterating to refine the results.

only the resilient will reach the top

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